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What do United Methodists believe? Are you curious about some of the basics of the Christian faith? This series of videos explains some of the essential elements of what we believe. What we believe about God should make a difference in how we live!


When someone mentions "God" they can mean a lot of different things. The God Christians worship is Trinity. When Christians say "God," we mean Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Trinity is who God is, how God reveals God's self to us and how God rescues us and enlists us to be a part of God's work in the world!


People may not have had a good experience with church, but it is hard not to be captivated by the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus is how we get to know God. Jesus reveals God's heart of love and invites all people into a saving relationship with himself to make his ways our ways. Jesus is the center of the Christian faith.

Holy Spirit

God's personal sustaining presence in us and in the world. Does God's Spirit live in you? What does it mean to experience the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. What is the role of the Spirit in our lives, church and world?

Human Condition

What does it mean to be human? Why are we here? How can we be both made in God's image and yet be so broken? And what is sin anyway?

Way of Salvation

Has anyone ever asked you, are you saved? What does it mean to be saved and what do we need to be saved from? For United Methodists, salvation is not a one-time moment but an ongoing work of God in our lives accomplished by Jesus' life, death and resurrection.

Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God was Jesus' message and ministry. We pray for it to come. It seems at times like it's already here and yet so far away. Is the Kingdom of God the same thing as heaven? What does it have to do with our lives now?


Water is a pretty big deal in the story of salvation. Baptism is our birth mark as followers of Jesus. What does it mean when we sprinkle, pour or immerse? Why do we do it? Check out why baptism is all about what God is doing in our lives.


Jesus said to do it to remember him. But what are we remembering and why? Communion or Eucharist or the Lord's Supper seems like it's a big deal. What does it mean to come to a table and dip bread in a cup of juice? This meal is a special way we experience God's grace and the presence of the living Christ!

The Bible

The Bible is a powerful and often misunderstood book. What is this collection of ancient writing and is it trustworthy? What does it mean for it to have authority today? Scripture is both divine and human and it tells the story of God's operation to rescue the whole world. We don't read it like a history or science book; we read it on its own terms. 


The Christian faith is base on an event. Jesus resurrection from the dead. If it sounds crazy to you now, it was also crazy back then. What does Jesus' resurrection mean for us now? For when we die? What does it have to do with the whole world? Everything! Find out more about the power of hope in Jesus' resurrection.

The Church/Mission

I believe in God, but why do I have to be a part of a church? The church is such a mess sometimes. The Church is God's idea. It is the God-designed community for us to grow and serve in our faith alongside others. It is fundamental for God's mission in the world and there's a place for you in it!

Christian Living/Ethics


410 Southtown Circle

Rolesville, NC 27571


Sunday Worship 10:30am



Tyler Williams




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Village Church Rolesville is an inclusive United Methodist Church in Rolesville, NC.  

© 2025 by Village Church Rolesville

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