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Easter Greeting (Please fill out a Connect Card!)


Call to Worship

Friday’s cross. Saturday’s dark, silent tomb. The light of love extinguished. The end?

No, the beginning! Today is Sunday! The day of resurrection, new creation! God’s greatest victory! God’s biggest surprise! The sun dawns brightly. Christ is risen!

Christ is risen indeed! May our hearts rise up to meet him!

God has overwhelmed the grave! God has won!

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Alleluia!


Songs of Praise


Act Justly Love Mercy Walk Humbly

It all comes down to this

What you require of me

Love my neighbor as myself

And You above all things


Act justly love mercy walk humbly

With You God

In all things in all ways walk humbly

With You God


It all comes down to this

To be Your hands and feet

Good news to all the world

The truth will set us free


It's beauty for ashes

It's mourning to dancing

It's closer and closer

The Kingdom of heaven


Years from now we'll see

The fruit our hands have sown

Faith just like a seed

The only way it grows

CCLI Song # 7168697

Chris Tomlin | Jason Ingram | Pat Barrett


My Redeemer Lives

I know He rescued my soul

His blood has covered my sin

I believe I believe

My shame He's taken away

My pain is healed in His name

I believe I believe

I'll raise a banner

'Cause my Lord has conquered the grave


My Redeemer lives

My Redeemer lives

My Redeemer lives

My Redeemer lives


You lift my burdens

I'll rise with You

I'm dancing on this mountaintop

To see Your kingdom come

CCLI Song # 2397964

Reuben Morgan


Then He Rose

See Him now the king of Heaven

Son of God enthroned above

Heavy cross upon His shoulders

Carried for us carried for us


See Him now our king surrendered

Final word of perfect love

Hear His cry Father forgive them

Spoken for us spoken for us


When He said it is finished

Our hope had just begun


The grave has lost its hold arise the stone is gone

Our God reigns forevermore

All praise to Him belongs lift high His Name alone

Jesus came paid it all then He rose

Then He rose


Now we rise by His spirit

In His name we overcome

All our hope in this same power

Living in us living in us


For our sin is defeated

Oh the war has now been won


Death lay your weapons down

Sin you're defeated now

The stone is rolled away our God reigns

Crown Him with many crowns

Soon every knee will bow

The stone is rolled away our God reigns (yes)

CCLI Song # 7111927

Chris Brown | Chris Tomlin | Mack Brock | Steven Furtick




Scripture - Luke 24:1-12


Message: “To Be Continued…”




Jesus invites us to his table


We wash our hearts


We receive grace and pass peace


We give generously (offering)


We pray the prayer of Great Thanksgiving


(Holy, holy, holy, God of power and might,

hosanna in the highest, glory to your name)


(Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again)


Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done

on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the Kingdom,

and the Power and the glory forever, Amen.


We celebrate Holy Communion




Graves into Gardens

I searched the world but it couldn't fill me

Man's empty praise and treasures that fade

Are never enough

Then You came along and put me back together

And every desire is now satisfied here in Your love


Oh there's nothing better than You

There's nothing better than You

Lord there's nothing

Nothing is better than You


I'm not afraid to show You my weakness

My failures and flaws

Lord You've seen them all

And You still call me friend

'Cause the God of the mountain

Is the God of the valley

There's not a place

Your mercy and grace won't find me again


You turn mourning to dancing

You give beauty for ashes

You turn shame into glory

You're the only one who can


You turn graves into gardens

You turn bones into armies

You turn seas into highways

You're the only one who can

CCLI Song # 7138219

Brandon Lake | Chris Brown | Steven Furtick | Tiffany Hudson



(We are sent to live different lives because

Jesus Christ is risen!)


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